Here at Presslabs we value open source projects, as our entire stack is built using open source projects exclusively, and, of course, we only host sites running WordPress, the leading open source blogging and content management platform. Our commitment to innovate for publishers goes beyond helping customers, with the release of plugins meant to improve the life of all WordPress publishers across the web.
Here are some of our homemade plugins, all of them open to your contributions and feature suggestions.
Gitium was developed to add version control to plugins and themes. This makes integration with services like GitHub a breeze. Modify your plugin from WordPress and you will be able to access all the changes ever made wherever you have access to git. Or maybe fix a small bug and push it through git, and Gitium will automatically pull and apply the changes you made. From now on, every little update you make to your WordPress extensions can be tidily versioned for easy tracking and deploying.
You can contribute on Github or check out the official plugin repository.
The code we are “knitting” for Gitium is covered with automated tests and also reviewed by third parties, such as Codeclimate. We are considering automated test coverage for a plugin that manages code essential.
Thanks go to the contributors: Ogi Djuraskovic of firstsiteguide.com and Thomas Heinrichsdobler of demicloud.com
There are many plugins for measuring your website’s performance, but most of them have to do database writes for every single page view. Now, if you have one hundred visitors a day, that may be okay, but this can lead to performance issues for a bigger publisher. Toplytics was designed to use Google Analytics, letting it do all the work while your website can sit back and do the job it was meant to do, which is deliver content.
You can also contribute to Toplytics:
https://github.com/Presslabs/toplytics or check out the official plugin repository https://wordpress.org/plugins/toplytics/
This is the rating Toplytics gets on CodeClimate:
If you’re using a CDN, you’ve probably bumped into the rather annoying issue concerning the loading of cached and outdated versions of your freshly modified JS or CSS files. Here’s where AutoVer comes into play. The plugin will do automatic versioning for all your static files, so that, whenever you do some small alteration, you will get to see the effects of those changes immediately.
Contribute to AutoVer here: https://github.com/PressLabs/autover
or check out the official plugin repository https://wordpress.org/plugins/autover/
#Mobile Theme
This plugin lets you have a special theme for your readers who are enjoying the website from a mobile device. It detects whether the user on a smartphone or a tablet and provides him with the right theme. For now, it works only on a Presslabs setup.
Keep in mind that Google advises publishers to use responsive design instead of mobile versions of the site. For further reading, check this help entry: https://developers.google.com/webmasters/smartphone-sites/details.
Mobile Theme awaits your contributions here: https://github.com/Presslabs/mobile-theme or check out the official plugin repository https://wordpress.org/plugins/mobile-theme/
Check here the list of all of our plugins from our WordPress profile. For more updates and info on our plugins, stay tuned to our blog.