Gitium Frequently Asked Questions

A selection of frequently asked questions regarding Gitium.

Is this plugin considered stable?

Yes, we consider the plugin stable after extensive usage in production environments at Presslabs, with hundreds of users and powering sites with hundreds of millions of pageviews per month.

What will happen in case of conflicts?

The behavior in case of conflicts is to overwrite the changes on the origin repository with the local changes (ie. local modifications take precedence over remote ones).

How to deploy automatically after a push?

You can ping the webhook url after a push to automatically deploy the new code. The webhook url can be found under Code menu. This url also plays well with Github or Bitbucket webhooks.

Does it work on multi site setups?

Yes, Gitium is working on multi site setups. Be aware that the Gitium menu is moving into the Network Admin zone in this case.

How does gitium handle submodules?

Submodules are currently not supported.